Quickstart guide for Team Notebooks#

Log in to JupyterHub#

  1. Navigate to your JupyterHub URL and click Sign in with Package Security Manager (On-prem).

  2. Enter your Package Security Manager credentials and click Log In.

If you are already logged into Package Security Manager, selecting Sign in with Package Security Manager signs you in automatically.

Create an environment#

Before you begin downloading packages to use with your notebooks, you must first create an environment to work out of. If you do not create an environment before you attempt to download packages, an error occurs. This protects the base /opt/jupyterhub environment.

If you want your environment to be shown as a tile on the JupyterLab launch page, open a terminal in JupyterLab and run the following command to create it:

# Replace <VERSION> with your desired version of python
conda create --name custom_env ipykernel python=<VERSION>

For more information on creating conda environments, see the official conda documentation.

If you already have an environment you want to use, see the Package Security Manager Environments topic for instructions on uploading environment files.


New to JupyterLab? View the official JupyterLab documentation here.

Package Security Manager#

New to Package Security Manager? View the official Package Security Manager documentation here.

Administrators can find help for tasks such as user management, mirror creation and package filtering, configuring your realm’s email settings, getting troubleshooting help, and learning more about common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs). Users can find help for working with environments, packages, Jupyter Notebooks, and more!